Thursday, 27 December 2012
A so-so Christmas
I had a pretty fun Christmas but unfortunately I didn't get anything at all feminine for it. My parents played it safe and got me some other lovely things instead, I can't help but feel like I would have rather had other things for the same money but that's just my desperation talking. I know I will be getting some moneys off my grandparents though so I bought an epilator of Amazon because it was on a lightning deal and looked pretty darned good. Oh and I also got a thermometer for Christmas so I can make some sugar wax. So next year I will be able to try out a couple of new ways of removing hair and report back on what I think of them :) I can't wait for the epilator to come as I really want to see the new year in with entirely hairless legs hehe. I currently still only have 2 entrants to the admirer of the month competition so if you want to enter then please message me, also if I talk to you a fair bit please don't just assume you've been entered into it. You gots ta ask, thems the rules hehe. Also if you haven't don't the polls yet then please do so because I will be doing what the public has voted for on the 1st of January and won't be changing my path until the 1st of February, if the results have changed by then. If they haven't then I'll just be continuing on until the 1st of March .etc etc I hope this makes sense and you check them out :) Have fun and plenty of orgasms!
Saturday, 22 December 2012
Really sorry for the lack of posts!
I'm really sorry for the lack of posts over the past few days but this has been due to me feeling a little rough, having to look after my mum who is filled with the flu at the moment and also because my internet has been being shifty and not being around as much as it should be. *stares at it* I don't know what you were upto internet but I noticed you weren't working as normal. Anyways, there will be some more posts coming hopefully tonight if the internet sticks around! I'll try playing catch up just a little bit so there are something interesting things to read before christmas. Also nobody has entered my image competitions so I think I'm just going to close thoughs as there doesn't seem to be any interest in them. But I have 2 entrants to the admirer of the month so far which is good but there is still plenty of time! So please message me if you want to take part :) Have fun and stay safe!
Saturday, 15 December 2012
Busy week!
Hey everybody, sorry but I had a really busy week this week. It has been pretty fun though, I got to go and see The Hobbit at the Imax in London yesterday and that was amazing! All thanks to an awesome friend of mine who is just amazingly awesomes. I still haven't come out to him yet but I will soon, its just finding the right sort of moment really. I'll have a flick through my photos that I have in a minute and see if there are any that I think are good enough to go up but if not then I will take some more on Monday probably as that is when I will finally get some time to myself. I have also been working on writing a new kinky story for the kinky blog which I hope you will enjoy. I've got some fun ideas for multi-chapter stories as well which I might write too depending on what the thoughts are on this one. I may put this on the some other websites too in order to increase it's exposure a little bit. Writing it is a lot of fun though as I get to let my kinky brain run nice and wild hehe! Best get back to it so have fun and don't work too hard!
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
New competition!
That's right my wonderful readers today is the day that I reveal my
new competition and I really hope you enjoy the idea enough to enter.
It's simple and easy. It's Admirer of the Month! That's right every
month I'm going to announce who my favourite Admirer of that month is.
All you have to do to enter is e-mail me or message me and tell me you
want to enter. The winner will be the Admirer who I think deserves the
accolade the most and will be announced on the 1st of each month! Now of
course you can do all sorts of things to help get ahead in the
competition and I will be considering all sorts of factors. Whether you
chat to me a lot or e-mail me interesting things or even buy me a gift
off one of my wishlists, it will all be counted in my lil head and I
will come to a verdict at the end of the month. I may put runners up if
it is close but I will probably just announce on here in a special post
just who has won and then I will send them their prize.
The lucky winner does actually get a proper prize though! 3 exclusive pictures of me and maaaybe an exclusive video as well, made just for you. The winner will also get to have a direct input into my life for the next month by making either 4 decisions/rules (1 per week) or 2 decisions/rules at the beginning of the month, that last the whole month. So you could say "you are not allowed to cut your nails for the entire month and you are only allowed to wear panties for the entire month too". That would be 2 rules for the entire month. Or you could say "This week you have to paint your all your nails and keep it on all week" and that would be your 1 rule for that week, allowing you to make a new one the next week. Now obviously these rules are subject to me agreeing to them but I'm open to a lot of things. Also if you make a rule that I don't want to do then we can negotiate until we are both happy. So each month a new admirer will get to take control of me a little bit and the experiences will obviously be posted on here for all to see, unless the winner decides otherwise. All you have to do to enter is message me or e-mail me and let me know you want to take part and I'll put you in the race hehe :) Have fun and good luck!
The lucky winner does actually get a proper prize though! 3 exclusive pictures of me and maaaybe an exclusive video as well, made just for you. The winner will also get to have a direct input into my life for the next month by making either 4 decisions/rules (1 per week) or 2 decisions/rules at the beginning of the month, that last the whole month. So you could say "you are not allowed to cut your nails for the entire month and you are only allowed to wear panties for the entire month too". That would be 2 rules for the entire month. Or you could say "This week you have to paint your all your nails and keep it on all week" and that would be your 1 rule for that week, allowing you to make a new one the next week. Now obviously these rules are subject to me agreeing to them but I'm open to a lot of things. Also if you make a rule that I don't want to do then we can negotiate until we are both happy. So each month a new admirer will get to take control of me a little bit and the experiences will obviously be posted on here for all to see, unless the winner decides otherwise. All you have to do to enter is message me or e-mail me and let me know you want to take part and I'll put you in the race hehe :) Have fun and good luck!
Saturday, 8 December 2012
Just a few thoughts
I thought it was about time I put down some of my personal feelings about all of this on here, partly to share them with you but also to try and make sense of them. I think that a period of transition is hard for anyone really, I have met very few people who have welcomed change with open arms. I think it's within out nature and conditioning that we don't tend to accept change all that well unless it is slow and rewarding. If you very gradually change yourself bit by bit the changes stick a lot better, especially if you feel good as you go along. This is one of the reasons I think I like wearing womens clothing. Whenever I put some on I am being constantly rewarded for it, either by people I'm talking to online or just the arousal I can get from wearing them. There have only been a few moments where I have worn them just because I wanted to and not got aroused from doing so. I mean an orgasm is a really good way to condition a response, if you have an orgasm while wearing a ladies thong the chances are you are going to want to wear it again hehe. But then it just expands and expands until you may find yourself all dolled up and playing frantically to the biggest orgasm you have ever had. I was like this for a while, but now I have split the two up. Sometimes I have intimate alone times while dressed up, other times I don't. Also I spend time dressed without rubbing or anything like that, the sole purpose not arousal but comfort and I would really like to expand on those times and see just what wearing womens clothing and being feminine actually means to me. If I keep doing my workouts though soon I will have to buy womens trousers or at least bigger ones as my butt is starting ot make my trousers get quite tight hehe.
Another reason that I think I might wear women's clothing is a sort of escapism, just stop being me for a little bit. I can pretend that I'm somebody else or just indulge a different side of my life and feel like I'm doing something rather than just sitting around. I have real problems at the moment with motivation, drive and self confidence which are really holding me back. But each day I try to combat them just a little bit more and soon I think I will be properly on the right path to achieving things worth talking about with people. I really need to break out of this funk so then I can start helping all sorts of people out, experiment and explore more of the world. Just to see what and who's out there. Get some more experiences under my garter belt hehe.
Currently though I feel like the thing holding me back the most, as far as transvestisism is concerned, is that I haven't told my best friend. I think he suspects it a little bit already but it's a relationship that is really precious to me so I don't want to f*** it up at all. He knows a lot about diets, food and exercise though so I'm hoping he will be supportive and help me workout a new diet and fitness regime that will help me look as feminine as possible which I can start next year. I'm thinking that 2013 will be my experimentally femme year where I will try out all sorts of things to see how they affect my body and mind. I'll post my results on here of course, the aim of which would be to create a resource you can use showing you my experiences and what I believe to be the best methods of feminization. I'll have to take my measurements and I'm trying to devise a little test that I can do at the start of the year and again at the end to see what has changed and I'll look around on the internet to see if there are any that I like. I'll be trying out pretty much everything I can afford to hehe, hair removal, make up, clothing styles .etc and try to be objective about them as well as say which ones I personally prefer. The other major bonus about telling my best friend will be the ability to wear make up .etc on a more permanent basis, which would be amazing. At the moment I only have nail polish but I would love to be able to do all my nails rather than just my toes, that would be a wonderful start hehe.
So far 7 people have filled in the polls page and I want to thank them ever so much for doing so. I think I'm going to make a little gif or sexy pic as a reward for doing them in order to entice people to do so hehe. Also I am thinking of upgrading all of the prizes for the competitions to an exclusive video each rather than a picture in an effort to encourage more people to enter. I have currently had NO entries, that's right 0, none, zilch, absolutely nobody has entered them yet. So if you are reading this then please at the very least think about entering because will win! Hehe! If only 1 person enters then they will win, get all the credit and a whole load of free exclusive stuffs.....which just doesn't seem fair. But please enter as I do actually need the content submitted in order to make this website even better. If you have any suggestions please send them to me or comment on this, I will read it and respond if I can. Also there is a new competition coming be ready for it! I'll be announcing it later and hopefully more people will want to enter this one! Hehe :P I hope you have fun and as always thank you for reading my blog :)
Another reason that I think I might wear women's clothing is a sort of escapism, just stop being me for a little bit. I can pretend that I'm somebody else or just indulge a different side of my life and feel like I'm doing something rather than just sitting around. I have real problems at the moment with motivation, drive and self confidence which are really holding me back. But each day I try to combat them just a little bit more and soon I think I will be properly on the right path to achieving things worth talking about with people. I really need to break out of this funk so then I can start helping all sorts of people out, experiment and explore more of the world. Just to see what and who's out there. Get some more experiences under my garter belt hehe.
Currently though I feel like the thing holding me back the most, as far as transvestisism is concerned, is that I haven't told my best friend. I think he suspects it a little bit already but it's a relationship that is really precious to me so I don't want to f*** it up at all. He knows a lot about diets, food and exercise though so I'm hoping he will be supportive and help me workout a new diet and fitness regime that will help me look as feminine as possible which I can start next year. I'm thinking that 2013 will be my experimentally femme year where I will try out all sorts of things to see how they affect my body and mind. I'll post my results on here of course, the aim of which would be to create a resource you can use showing you my experiences and what I believe to be the best methods of feminization. I'll have to take my measurements and I'm trying to devise a little test that I can do at the start of the year and again at the end to see what has changed and I'll look around on the internet to see if there are any that I like. I'll be trying out pretty much everything I can afford to hehe, hair removal, make up, clothing styles .etc and try to be objective about them as well as say which ones I personally prefer. The other major bonus about telling my best friend will be the ability to wear make up .etc on a more permanent basis, which would be amazing. At the moment I only have nail polish but I would love to be able to do all my nails rather than just my toes, that would be a wonderful start hehe.
So far 7 people have filled in the polls page and I want to thank them ever so much for doing so. I think I'm going to make a little gif or sexy pic as a reward for doing them in order to entice people to do so hehe. Also I am thinking of upgrading all of the prizes for the competitions to an exclusive video each rather than a picture in an effort to encourage more people to enter. I have currently had NO entries, that's right 0, none, zilch, absolutely nobody has entered them yet. So if you are reading this then please at the very least think about entering because will win! Hehe! If only 1 person enters then they will win, get all the credit and a whole load of free exclusive stuffs.....which just doesn't seem fair. But please enter as I do actually need the content submitted in order to make this website even better. If you have any suggestions please send them to me or comment on this, I will read it and respond if I can. Also there is a new competition coming be ready for it! I'll be announcing it later and hopefully more people will want to enter this one! Hehe :P I hope you have fun and as always thank you for reading my blog :)
Friday, 7 December 2012
Photo Friday yet again!
Today I took quite a few more pictures to be overly critical of and delete quickly before the embarassment of taking it sets in too deep. I also cropped a picture of my face and played around with make up on TAAZ. That just made me wanna get some make up even more and so then I can start taking pics with my face in it. Which would be really cool actually because there are only so many things I can express with my body, not that I'm trying to express a certain thing. It just gives me a lot more options. Try TAAZ out though because it's really fun, you can pick celebrity looks or be creative and come up with your own which is far more fun really. It does take a little while to set up so be patient, I think it's worth the wait though as you get to try out all sorts of styles. I was just trying on my skimpy grey skirt and I'm not sure which top I prefer with it, I'll put up some more pics of me in other tops as I get them but let me know if you have a preference.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012
Charlize Theron
Well this week has been a little bit different for me as it has been suuuuuper cold here. So for the first time in a loooong time I have been wearing a scarf due to a scarf mix up between a friend and my Mum. So basically we have a spare mans scarf hanging about which I have been using this week and it really works, I never used to wear them due to having a fairly sensitive neck which was prone to being itchy when a scarf was worn but no itching now. Which is really useful because it means I can finally keep my neck warm without having to wear a jumper with the zip all the way up .etc and opens up a new style of clothing to me which is wonderful. So for this weeks outfit of the week I wanted to go with Charlize Theron, another beautiful actress who seems to have a bit of cheekyness going on behind that smile. I mean actual cheekyness as well not in its innuendo form, even though she is one sexy lady. But I wanted some pictures of her in a scarf to tie the two themes together, but all the pics I have found so far haven't been brilliant.

Do you see what I mean? They are nice enough photos but they don't exactly show off just how gorgeous Charlize Theron is. I mean even when she's just walking about she still looks pretty darned stylish, but then as a movie star she sort of has to unfortunately due to the press being absolute shits. But I'll write more about that at a later date hehe.
So here was the problem I was faced with, do I spend hours trying to find a good scarf picture of Charlize Theron that I could use or do I pick another theme that might not tie in to anything I have done recently, but then it hit me. Bathing suits. That's a theme I have done recently and I was sure that there would be a decent picture of Charlize in one. So here for your viewing pleasure is a not only a bathing suit that puts mine to shame but a body too!
So here was the problem I was faced with, do I spend hours trying to find a good scarf picture of Charlize Theron that I could use or do I pick another theme that might not tie in to anything I have done recently, but then it hit me. Bathing suits. That's a theme I have done recently and I was sure that there would be a decent picture of Charlize in one. So here for your viewing pleasure is a not only a bathing suit that puts mine to shame but a body too!
Sunday, 2 December 2012
My workout wear!
For Photoshoot Friday I thought I would put up what I wear when I do my butt increasing workouts. I don't think it is a particularly sexy look myself but it certainly makes me feel horny when I workout in it. I love building up a sweat and having my member tucked away firmly. The arousal feels different, more feminine I think. If you have one then try it out and let me know if you get the same effects! I'll be posting my workout soon and have found out that my camera shoots really good video so I will hopefully be able to maybe do a video of me from behind or something showing you how to do a different exercise each week before making a full workout thingy.

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