I did a workout on Monday with my friend which was quite different to my normal workout really but I still enjoyed it even though I didn't work on my bum. I have a thing about that, I'm sort of proud of it but also really want to work on it and just keep making it bigger, rounder and bouncier. I want to have the ultimate in sexy backsides hehe. The workout we did though mainly worked on stamina, arms, chest and abs. I don't work on my arms to make them muscley but I keep them toned, same with my chest really but I would like better abs and back muscles partly because they are useful but also because up to a point they are pretty sexy. When you go beyond that point though you start to look really weird hehe, in my opinion anyway. It was a nice fairly gentle workout I thought and at no point did I really feel like I had pushed too far or exceeded my limit at all. Which is why it is surprising that today, Friday, my abs STILL hurt. They hurt when I cough, sneeze or laugh and its driving me a little loopy, not that I wasn't already. But now I am going to work them into my workout routine properly I think to make sure it doesn't happen again and keep my trunk fit. Yup trunk.
No flash! |
Flash! |
I've been flicking through the photos to pick one to put up today and I have come to the conclusion that I really need to get a photographer I think hehe. Or maybe that's just my desire to share this with someone, who knows. Here's another flash vs no flash though to help inform your decision. Oh and I'm going to change the blog back to the other type in a moment so that the polls .etc actually work! So hopefully it will still look nice :) Here's some more of me in the red dress. Look they went either side of the picture! I have no idea how I did that, it just happened hehe!
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