Yesterday I finally, begrudgingly, removed my toe nail polish. It was really easy to do thankfully so if you are yet to do it for the first time then don't fret because it only takes a couple of minutes and then you will have lovely clean nails once again, ready for painting once more! Hehe. I need to get some base coat and top coat before I paint my nails again though I think because then I can keep them that way for around a month. Apparently if you don't put a base coat on your nails and you leave nail varnish on them for too long then the nails can start to go yellowy and I don't know about you but that sounds a little bit disgusting to me so I think I will be steering clear from that as much as I can.
It was really simple to do though, thanks to some basic instructions from my Mum. All it took was two cotton balls, one for each foot, some nail polish remover and some rubbing. I also found that I think I could do it all with one cotton ball if I soaked it a little more thoroughly like I did with the second one but hey-ho. All you do is put the cotton ball in the opening of the bottle of the nail polish remover so that it covers it completely. Then tip the bottle very gently so that you can see the liquid going into the cotton ball, you will also feel it on your fingers pretty quickly. Once the cotton ball feels moist but not soggy you then remove it. Make sure you put the lid back on the bottle! You don't want to tip it over by accident and then have a horrible dissolving mess. Then all you have to do is press the soaked side of the cotton ball to your painted nail and rub gently. I find rubbing in little circles worked pretty well for me, but feel free to rub however you like. Make sure you rub off all the nail polish though. Also I found that rubbing once or twice over each nail to start with before concentrating on each one individually was good because it made sure that they all had some pure nail polish remover on them. Don't forget to buff out the nail polish on the ends of your nails using a nail file or emery board too :)
I had a shower soon after I had done mine, I'm not sure if you are supposed to wash your nails right after but I would suggest that having a shower fairly shortly afterwards would be a good idea. Just to keep yourself clean if anything hehe :) Don't shower too much though or you'll just end up with sore skin and rashes! Now my nails are clean though they look really weird to me. I am so tempted to put more nail polish on but I will wait. Next time I think I am going to do my finger nails too :)
Now for my other news! I have done a new pole page on my other blog. There are some questions of a kinky/sexual nature on there so if you find that sort of thing offensive or distasteful then keep clear. Otherwise please fill out it and just answer everything openly and honestly :) There are only 12 questions on it shouldn't take you very long but the answers will be really helpful to me :) I'm going to setup a questionnaire to ask on here as well which will be much more focused on finding out more information about all sorts of things transvestite related in regards to peoples habits, experiences .etc
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