Thursday, 1 November 2012

Tip of the Week!

As promised in an earlier post here are my tips on making your own waterboobs. I have tried using socks as I am sure most of you wonderful transvestites out there have done too but then I wanted to progress to something a little more weighty and realistic. Waterboobs are still quite a long way from being realistic but I would certainly say they are more so than socks hehe. But don't worry if you are thinking your boobysocks are now going to go to waste because I use some with my waterboobs! All you need to make your own waterboobs are:
  • 4 balloons, the stronger the better
  • A tap or bottle of water (tap is easier, or even the end of the shower)
  • A towel
  • 2 socks, preferably soft and opaque, in a fleshy colour would be ideal but any will be fine, mine are black. If you can get elasticated ones they are good for staying on the balloon. Also if you are using small socks then you may need 2 for each balloon.
 So once you have got all of those ready then you want to proceed to enter your bathroom. You don't need to take the socks with you and I would hope the towel would already be in there. If you have a shower I have found this to be easier to use but that's a matter of preference really.
  1. Place one balloon inside another. I used a red balloon inserted inside a pink balloon in an attempt to make a nice colour, it sort of worked but it doesn't really matter.  Do this again with the other two balloons so that you end up with 2 double balloons essentially. 1 set for each boob :) This will add some strength to the boobs and help stop them from bursting.
  2. Place the opening of the inner balloon around the tap and gradually fill it with water. Try to get it to just over your ideal size as tying the knot can be tricky and you may find you lose some water. Don't worry too much if you make them too big or too small because I doubt you have bought a 4 pack of balloons, you can always make varying sizes and then you have different pairs to wear on different days. I recommend doing this inside the shower or bath because this whole procedure can end up with water flying everywhere hehe.
  3. Once you have them filled then its time to tie the knot. This can be fairly difficult for some people and I certainly had a little trouble with it. I think the trick is to pinch near the bottom of the tubey opening and give yourself as much balloon as you can to tie the knot with. Be sure to try and eliminate air bubbles within your new boob though before you tie the not, they are pretty obvious so don't worry too much. But you can always pinch really tight and turn upside down to see. You can either tie the knots on both the inner and outer balloon at the same time or seperately, that's your choice really. I did mine together. Just make sure the knot is tied securely!
  4. Now that you have your boob sealed up tightly you need to use your towel to dry it off. Make sure its nice and dry and then leave it on the towel while you go back through steps 2 and 3 for boob number 2. 
  5. Once they are both dry and on your towel its time to sock them up. Either take you boobs to the socks or socks to the boobs. The reason I keep them out of the bathroom is to stop them getting accidentally wet. You don't want soggy boobs. Now slip the sock on over the balloon, twist it and fold it back. Make sure the sock is snuggly on the balloon. If you are using small socks then you may wish to use two socks on each balloon.
If you have followed steps 1-5 then you should now have a pair of waterboobs to put in your favourite bra :) Use the knots as nipples so you can have that nice slightly aroused look poking through your bra :) I really like mine and I have had them for about 2 years now I think. They really do last and if you have socks on them they are a lot more comfy. Be warned though they can be a bit chilly when you first put them on, I recommend keeping them in a cool dry place though because that's where I have mine and they seem to be fine. Well I hope you have fun with your new boobs!

Also here is a link to a transvestite forum with lots more information on making your own boobs. They have some really useful stuff on there so be sure to check it out. Just to clarify as well, if I had the money I would buy my own breast forms because according to most they seem to be very realistic and they aren't too expensive. So if you have money and want to invest more thoroughly into being a transvestite I recommend checking out ebay and online shops to find some you like. I may do that as my deal of the week this weekend actually :)

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