Thursday, 27 December 2012
A so-so Christmas
I had a pretty fun Christmas but unfortunately I didn't get anything at all feminine for it. My parents played it safe and got me some other lovely things instead, I can't help but feel like I would have rather had other things for the same money but that's just my desperation talking. I know I will be getting some moneys off my grandparents though so I bought an epilator of Amazon because it was on a lightning deal and looked pretty darned good. Oh and I also got a thermometer for Christmas so I can make some sugar wax. So next year I will be able to try out a couple of new ways of removing hair and report back on what I think of them :) I can't wait for the epilator to come as I really want to see the new year in with entirely hairless legs hehe. I currently still only have 2 entrants to the admirer of the month competition so if you want to enter then please message me, also if I talk to you a fair bit please don't just assume you've been entered into it. You gots ta ask, thems the rules hehe. Also if you haven't don't the polls yet then please do so because I will be doing what the public has voted for on the 1st of January and won't be changing my path until the 1st of February, if the results have changed by then. If they haven't then I'll just be continuing on until the 1st of March .etc etc I hope this makes sense and you check them out :) Have fun and plenty of orgasms!
Saturday, 22 December 2012
Really sorry for the lack of posts!
I'm really sorry for the lack of posts over the past few days but this has been due to me feeling a little rough, having to look after my mum who is filled with the flu at the moment and also because my internet has been being shifty and not being around as much as it should be. *stares at it* I don't know what you were upto internet but I noticed you weren't working as normal. Anyways, there will be some more posts coming hopefully tonight if the internet sticks around! I'll try playing catch up just a little bit so there are something interesting things to read before christmas. Also nobody has entered my image competitions so I think I'm just going to close thoughs as there doesn't seem to be any interest in them. But I have 2 entrants to the admirer of the month so far which is good but there is still plenty of time! So please message me if you want to take part :) Have fun and stay safe!
Saturday, 15 December 2012
Busy week!
Hey everybody, sorry but I had a really busy week this week. It has been pretty fun though, I got to go and see The Hobbit at the Imax in London yesterday and that was amazing! All thanks to an awesome friend of mine who is just amazingly awesomes. I still haven't come out to him yet but I will soon, its just finding the right sort of moment really. I'll have a flick through my photos that I have in a minute and see if there are any that I think are good enough to go up but if not then I will take some more on Monday probably as that is when I will finally get some time to myself. I have also been working on writing a new kinky story for the kinky blog which I hope you will enjoy. I've got some fun ideas for multi-chapter stories as well which I might write too depending on what the thoughts are on this one. I may put this on the some other websites too in order to increase it's exposure a little bit. Writing it is a lot of fun though as I get to let my kinky brain run nice and wild hehe! Best get back to it so have fun and don't work too hard!
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
New competition!
That's right my wonderful readers today is the day that I reveal my
new competition and I really hope you enjoy the idea enough to enter.
It's simple and easy. It's Admirer of the Month! That's right every
month I'm going to announce who my favourite Admirer of that month is.
All you have to do to enter is e-mail me or message me and tell me you
want to enter. The winner will be the Admirer who I think deserves the
accolade the most and will be announced on the 1st of each month! Now of
course you can do all sorts of things to help get ahead in the
competition and I will be considering all sorts of factors. Whether you
chat to me a lot or e-mail me interesting things or even buy me a gift
off one of my wishlists, it will all be counted in my lil head and I
will come to a verdict at the end of the month. I may put runners up if
it is close but I will probably just announce on here in a special post
just who has won and then I will send them their prize.
The lucky winner does actually get a proper prize though! 3 exclusive pictures of me and maaaybe an exclusive video as well, made just for you. The winner will also get to have a direct input into my life for the next month by making either 4 decisions/rules (1 per week) or 2 decisions/rules at the beginning of the month, that last the whole month. So you could say "you are not allowed to cut your nails for the entire month and you are only allowed to wear panties for the entire month too". That would be 2 rules for the entire month. Or you could say "This week you have to paint your all your nails and keep it on all week" and that would be your 1 rule for that week, allowing you to make a new one the next week. Now obviously these rules are subject to me agreeing to them but I'm open to a lot of things. Also if you make a rule that I don't want to do then we can negotiate until we are both happy. So each month a new admirer will get to take control of me a little bit and the experiences will obviously be posted on here for all to see, unless the winner decides otherwise. All you have to do to enter is message me or e-mail me and let me know you want to take part and I'll put you in the race hehe :) Have fun and good luck!
The lucky winner does actually get a proper prize though! 3 exclusive pictures of me and maaaybe an exclusive video as well, made just for you. The winner will also get to have a direct input into my life for the next month by making either 4 decisions/rules (1 per week) or 2 decisions/rules at the beginning of the month, that last the whole month. So you could say "you are not allowed to cut your nails for the entire month and you are only allowed to wear panties for the entire month too". That would be 2 rules for the entire month. Or you could say "This week you have to paint your all your nails and keep it on all week" and that would be your 1 rule for that week, allowing you to make a new one the next week. Now obviously these rules are subject to me agreeing to them but I'm open to a lot of things. Also if you make a rule that I don't want to do then we can negotiate until we are both happy. So each month a new admirer will get to take control of me a little bit and the experiences will obviously be posted on here for all to see, unless the winner decides otherwise. All you have to do to enter is message me or e-mail me and let me know you want to take part and I'll put you in the race hehe :) Have fun and good luck!
Saturday, 8 December 2012
Just a few thoughts
I thought it was about time I put down some of my personal feelings about all of this on here, partly to share them with you but also to try and make sense of them. I think that a period of transition is hard for anyone really, I have met very few people who have welcomed change with open arms. I think it's within out nature and conditioning that we don't tend to accept change all that well unless it is slow and rewarding. If you very gradually change yourself bit by bit the changes stick a lot better, especially if you feel good as you go along. This is one of the reasons I think I like wearing womens clothing. Whenever I put some on I am being constantly rewarded for it, either by people I'm talking to online or just the arousal I can get from wearing them. There have only been a few moments where I have worn them just because I wanted to and not got aroused from doing so. I mean an orgasm is a really good way to condition a response, if you have an orgasm while wearing a ladies thong the chances are you are going to want to wear it again hehe. But then it just expands and expands until you may find yourself all dolled up and playing frantically to the biggest orgasm you have ever had. I was like this for a while, but now I have split the two up. Sometimes I have intimate alone times while dressed up, other times I don't. Also I spend time dressed without rubbing or anything like that, the sole purpose not arousal but comfort and I would really like to expand on those times and see just what wearing womens clothing and being feminine actually means to me. If I keep doing my workouts though soon I will have to buy womens trousers or at least bigger ones as my butt is starting ot make my trousers get quite tight hehe.
Another reason that I think I might wear women's clothing is a sort of escapism, just stop being me for a little bit. I can pretend that I'm somebody else or just indulge a different side of my life and feel like I'm doing something rather than just sitting around. I have real problems at the moment with motivation, drive and self confidence which are really holding me back. But each day I try to combat them just a little bit more and soon I think I will be properly on the right path to achieving things worth talking about with people. I really need to break out of this funk so then I can start helping all sorts of people out, experiment and explore more of the world. Just to see what and who's out there. Get some more experiences under my garter belt hehe.
Currently though I feel like the thing holding me back the most, as far as transvestisism is concerned, is that I haven't told my best friend. I think he suspects it a little bit already but it's a relationship that is really precious to me so I don't want to f*** it up at all. He knows a lot about diets, food and exercise though so I'm hoping he will be supportive and help me workout a new diet and fitness regime that will help me look as feminine as possible which I can start next year. I'm thinking that 2013 will be my experimentally femme year where I will try out all sorts of things to see how they affect my body and mind. I'll post my results on here of course, the aim of which would be to create a resource you can use showing you my experiences and what I believe to be the best methods of feminization. I'll have to take my measurements and I'm trying to devise a little test that I can do at the start of the year and again at the end to see what has changed and I'll look around on the internet to see if there are any that I like. I'll be trying out pretty much everything I can afford to hehe, hair removal, make up, clothing styles .etc and try to be objective about them as well as say which ones I personally prefer. The other major bonus about telling my best friend will be the ability to wear make up .etc on a more permanent basis, which would be amazing. At the moment I only have nail polish but I would love to be able to do all my nails rather than just my toes, that would be a wonderful start hehe.
So far 7 people have filled in the polls page and I want to thank them ever so much for doing so. I think I'm going to make a little gif or sexy pic as a reward for doing them in order to entice people to do so hehe. Also I am thinking of upgrading all of the prizes for the competitions to an exclusive video each rather than a picture in an effort to encourage more people to enter. I have currently had NO entries, that's right 0, none, zilch, absolutely nobody has entered them yet. So if you are reading this then please at the very least think about entering because will win! Hehe! If only 1 person enters then they will win, get all the credit and a whole load of free exclusive stuffs.....which just doesn't seem fair. But please enter as I do actually need the content submitted in order to make this website even better. If you have any suggestions please send them to me or comment on this, I will read it and respond if I can. Also there is a new competition coming be ready for it! I'll be announcing it later and hopefully more people will want to enter this one! Hehe :P I hope you have fun and as always thank you for reading my blog :)
Another reason that I think I might wear women's clothing is a sort of escapism, just stop being me for a little bit. I can pretend that I'm somebody else or just indulge a different side of my life and feel like I'm doing something rather than just sitting around. I have real problems at the moment with motivation, drive and self confidence which are really holding me back. But each day I try to combat them just a little bit more and soon I think I will be properly on the right path to achieving things worth talking about with people. I really need to break out of this funk so then I can start helping all sorts of people out, experiment and explore more of the world. Just to see what and who's out there. Get some more experiences under my garter belt hehe.
Currently though I feel like the thing holding me back the most, as far as transvestisism is concerned, is that I haven't told my best friend. I think he suspects it a little bit already but it's a relationship that is really precious to me so I don't want to f*** it up at all. He knows a lot about diets, food and exercise though so I'm hoping he will be supportive and help me workout a new diet and fitness regime that will help me look as feminine as possible which I can start next year. I'm thinking that 2013 will be my experimentally femme year where I will try out all sorts of things to see how they affect my body and mind. I'll post my results on here of course, the aim of which would be to create a resource you can use showing you my experiences and what I believe to be the best methods of feminization. I'll have to take my measurements and I'm trying to devise a little test that I can do at the start of the year and again at the end to see what has changed and I'll look around on the internet to see if there are any that I like. I'll be trying out pretty much everything I can afford to hehe, hair removal, make up, clothing styles .etc and try to be objective about them as well as say which ones I personally prefer. The other major bonus about telling my best friend will be the ability to wear make up .etc on a more permanent basis, which would be amazing. At the moment I only have nail polish but I would love to be able to do all my nails rather than just my toes, that would be a wonderful start hehe.
So far 7 people have filled in the polls page and I want to thank them ever so much for doing so. I think I'm going to make a little gif or sexy pic as a reward for doing them in order to entice people to do so hehe. Also I am thinking of upgrading all of the prizes for the competitions to an exclusive video each rather than a picture in an effort to encourage more people to enter. I have currently had NO entries, that's right 0, none, zilch, absolutely nobody has entered them yet. So if you are reading this then please at the very least think about entering because will win! Hehe! If only 1 person enters then they will win, get all the credit and a whole load of free exclusive stuffs.....which just doesn't seem fair. But please enter as I do actually need the content submitted in order to make this website even better. If you have any suggestions please send them to me or comment on this, I will read it and respond if I can. Also there is a new competition coming be ready for it! I'll be announcing it later and hopefully more people will want to enter this one! Hehe :P I hope you have fun and as always thank you for reading my blog :)
Friday, 7 December 2012
Photo Friday yet again!
Today I took quite a few more pictures to be overly critical of and delete quickly before the embarassment of taking it sets in too deep. I also cropped a picture of my face and played around with make up on TAAZ. That just made me wanna get some make up even more and so then I can start taking pics with my face in it. Which would be really cool actually because there are only so many things I can express with my body, not that I'm trying to express a certain thing. It just gives me a lot more options. Try TAAZ out though because it's really fun, you can pick celebrity looks or be creative and come up with your own which is far more fun really. It does take a little while to set up so be patient, I think it's worth the wait though as you get to try out all sorts of styles. I was just trying on my skimpy grey skirt and I'm not sure which top I prefer with it, I'll put up some more pics of me in other tops as I get them but let me know if you have a preference.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012
Charlize Theron
Well this week has been a little bit different for me as it has been suuuuuper cold here. So for the first time in a loooong time I have been wearing a scarf due to a scarf mix up between a friend and my Mum. So basically we have a spare mans scarf hanging about which I have been using this week and it really works, I never used to wear them due to having a fairly sensitive neck which was prone to being itchy when a scarf was worn but no itching now. Which is really useful because it means I can finally keep my neck warm without having to wear a jumper with the zip all the way up .etc and opens up a new style of clothing to me which is wonderful. So for this weeks outfit of the week I wanted to go with Charlize Theron, another beautiful actress who seems to have a bit of cheekyness going on behind that smile. I mean actual cheekyness as well not in its innuendo form, even though she is one sexy lady. But I wanted some pictures of her in a scarf to tie the two themes together, but all the pics I have found so far haven't been brilliant.

Do you see what I mean? They are nice enough photos but they don't exactly show off just how gorgeous Charlize Theron is. I mean even when she's just walking about she still looks pretty darned stylish, but then as a movie star she sort of has to unfortunately due to the press being absolute shits. But I'll write more about that at a later date hehe.
So here was the problem I was faced with, do I spend hours trying to find a good scarf picture of Charlize Theron that I could use or do I pick another theme that might not tie in to anything I have done recently, but then it hit me. Bathing suits. That's a theme I have done recently and I was sure that there would be a decent picture of Charlize in one. So here for your viewing pleasure is a not only a bathing suit that puts mine to shame but a body too!
So here was the problem I was faced with, do I spend hours trying to find a good scarf picture of Charlize Theron that I could use or do I pick another theme that might not tie in to anything I have done recently, but then it hit me. Bathing suits. That's a theme I have done recently and I was sure that there would be a decent picture of Charlize in one. So here for your viewing pleasure is a not only a bathing suit that puts mine to shame but a body too!
Sunday, 2 December 2012
My workout wear!
For Photoshoot Friday I thought I would put up what I wear when I do my butt increasing workouts. I don't think it is a particularly sexy look myself but it certainly makes me feel horny when I workout in it. I love building up a sweat and having my member tucked away firmly. The arousal feels different, more feminine I think. If you have one then try it out and let me know if you get the same effects! I'll be posting my workout soon and have found out that my camera shoots really good video so I will hopefully be able to maybe do a video of me from behind or something showing you how to do a different exercise each week before making a full workout thingy.

Thursday, 29 November 2012
More tips!
I am quite rapidly running out of tips due to my inexperience as a transvestite, but that should grow over the next few weeks so it will be fine hehe. One thing I can suggest though, it may just be a strange thing with me but I think it should work for everyone, wear a womens swimming costume while you work out. Or one of those exercise leotard type things. I find that if I tuck my delicates away and do my butt workout (which will be appearing on here shortly) then I feel quite aroused at the end of it, but its a very different type of arousal. Much more feminine I think, but I could be wrong and it could just be different. After a nice long workout though I am pretty darned frisky but not in a whip my dick out and get some quick relief kind of a way, more of a desire for something slow and sensual and to have a proper orgasm. I'm going to take some pictures of me in my sexy bathing suit in a bit and put them up for the friday photoshoot so you can see how I look when I workout.
But I feel this is a bit of a short post if I leave it at that so I'm going to link to some other websites filled with tips on feminizing yourself.
Transbetty - they have all sorts on here so take a look, you may just learn something new.
Crossdresserheaven - this seems to be in a blog format but looks like it has some good stuff on there.
Danistroom - mainly a chat site I think, haven't really used the site much but it does have some good information on there too.
These are just few of the many sites out there, remember google is your friend and I will also be putting up my favourite sites at a later date.
But I feel this is a bit of a short post if I leave it at that so I'm going to link to some other websites filled with tips on feminizing yourself.
Transbetty - they have all sorts on here so take a look, you may just learn something new.
Crossdresserheaven - this seems to be in a blog format but looks like it has some good stuff on there.
Danistroom - mainly a chat site I think, haven't really used the site much but it does have some good information on there too.
These are just few of the many sites out there, remember google is your friend and I will also be putting up my favourite sites at a later date.
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
Todays presents!
Today my Mum came in while I was half asleep before she went to work and gave me 2 electric lady shavers and a thing which I think is one of those ultrasound tweezer type electric gizmos. I'm not sure how effective they are but I will ask her if she still has the instructions for it. This is all because I told her about an epilator on ebay that was on the daily deal yesterday which I liked and apparently she has one somewhere. So it looks like I am going to get to try out all sorts of different hair removal techniques :) I'm going to see which one I like the most and write a review for each so that hopefully they can help inform you as to which one is best for you. Soon I should be hairless again though :) Just going to wait until I have come out to my friend properly before I get rid of pretty much all my body hair :)
Penelope Cruz
I really like Penelope Cruz and I'm going to watch more films with her in that's for sure as she is absolutely gorgeous as well as being talented. I'm looking forward to finally being able to see Vicky Christina Barcelona. Here are some pics of her just dressed down a bit though, although a couple of them are from photoshoots she's not exactly dressing to impress but still looks pretty stunning in them I think. I'm hoping that looking at pictures like these I can learn what goes together a little better for future reference when I finally get enough money to buy my own stuffs. Although in these photos Penelope Cruz may look a little more no the serious side I think that's because she doesn't really want to be photographed in some and the others are moody looks on purpose for the photoshoots. She seems to have a wonderfully cheeky side too and a great smile, I'll make sure to put up some pics of it next time around hehe :)

Saturday, 24 November 2012
Shopping on a saturday again
Today I'm looking for some high heels because I really want some and there's that little part of me that thinks I desperately need them, but that is a little silly isn't it? So here are some links to places that sell womens shoes in a size 9.5 or 10 as that is the size I take. If you are lucky enough to take a size 8 or less then there are some links at the bottom to some other sites but you can basically have your pick from any shoe retailer as that seems to be the standard.
Lightinthebox has some good prices on there if you navigate your way around it. I'm not 100% sure how it works postage wise .etc But they have some really good prices on there and I have some new shoes on my wishlist thanks to them so take a little look. They have a lot of stuff on there not just womens shoes.
Debenhams have some more affordable shoes on there store and they also have quite a few in a size 10 which is really nice. Plus as they are debenhams they have lots of clothes and other extras on there for you to make the most of :) Check out their offers.
Deichmann also have a nice range of very affordable looking shoes in larger sizes. Up to a size UK10 and EU44. I'm definitely considering getting a pair....just gotta save up the moneys!
Alternativefootwear also have a pretty good range in sizes up to a UK13/46EU! So if you have feet on the larger side they should have something on there for you. Some VERY sexy shoes on there too, of course you have to pay a little bit more for their cheapest pair but they are more likely to fit nicely and be well made so I would think the difference is worth it.The prices actually seem very reasonable to me.
Pricelessshoes has unsurprisingly quite a few shoes on it, but it also has prices which is pretty useful hehe. Don't forget to enter TREAT as the code to get your 25% off if you buy something there as well as POST40 to get postage free on an order over £40. I'm not sure how long that will last but it is on there today, Saturday 24th November 2012.
Bigshoeboutique is very similar as it is actually the same company as pricelesshoes I think. Has the same offers and has a good range of shoes too.
Banana Shoes seem to have a very nice range on there and they look like they sell high quality shoes despite having a less flashy website. Unfortunately pretty much everything on this site is out of my price range, but then I have a really small budget at the moment so if you have a little bit of money to spend take a look and you might something you want.
Here is one of my recent favourite findings and thats the idea of the £5 store. Basically a pound shop but 5x better hehe. They have all sorts of clothing and stuff on them that you can buy and everything is a fiver. This is my favourite one of them so far and if you have size 8 or smaller feet then you are in luck as they have a lot of shoes on there for you to choose from! Also Woownow seem to have quite a lot on there for pretty low prices too so make sure you check them out too.
Also here are my favourites so far in the form of my Amazon shoe wishlist. I'll put links to my various wishlists after I have tinkered with them tomorrow. I'm supposed to be christmas shopping for other people but I keep getting distracted by discounts on dress, BOGOF's on Bras and sales on shoes!
Lightinthebox has some good prices on there if you navigate your way around it. I'm not 100% sure how it works postage wise .etc But they have some really good prices on there and I have some new shoes on my wishlist thanks to them so take a little look. They have a lot of stuff on there not just womens shoes.
Debenhams have some more affordable shoes on there store and they also have quite a few in a size 10 which is really nice. Plus as they are debenhams they have lots of clothes and other extras on there for you to make the most of :) Check out their offers.
Deichmann also have a nice range of very affordable looking shoes in larger sizes. Up to a size UK10 and EU44. I'm definitely considering getting a pair....just gotta save up the moneys!
Alternativefootwear also have a pretty good range in sizes up to a UK13/46EU! So if you have feet on the larger side they should have something on there for you. Some VERY sexy shoes on there too, of course you have to pay a little bit more for their cheapest pair but they are more likely to fit nicely and be well made so I would think the difference is worth it.The prices actually seem very reasonable to me.
Pricelessshoes has unsurprisingly quite a few shoes on it, but it also has prices which is pretty useful hehe. Don't forget to enter TREAT as the code to get your 25% off if you buy something there as well as POST40 to get postage free on an order over £40. I'm not sure how long that will last but it is on there today, Saturday 24th November 2012.
Bigshoeboutique is very similar as it is actually the same company as pricelesshoes I think. Has the same offers and has a good range of shoes too.
Banana Shoes seem to have a very nice range on there and they look like they sell high quality shoes despite having a less flashy website. Unfortunately pretty much everything on this site is out of my price range, but then I have a really small budget at the moment so if you have a little bit of money to spend take a look and you might something you want.
Here is one of my recent favourite findings and thats the idea of the £5 store. Basically a pound shop but 5x better hehe. They have all sorts of clothing and stuff on them that you can buy and everything is a fiver. This is my favourite one of them so far and if you have size 8 or smaller feet then you are in luck as they have a lot of shoes on there for you to choose from! Also Woownow seem to have quite a lot on there for pretty low prices too so make sure you check them out too.
Also here are my favourites so far in the form of my Amazon shoe wishlist. I'll put links to my various wishlists after I have tinkered with them tomorrow. I'm supposed to be christmas shopping for other people but I keep getting distracted by discounts on dress, BOGOF's on Bras and sales on shoes!
Friday, 23 November 2012
Woohoooo friday in front of the camera!
It was photoshoot friday again today so I got to have some fun with a camera I've borrowed off a friend. It was really fun but I didn't end up with many pictures that I actually like. Here are 3 though of me in a sort of secretary type outfit. I'm thinking of doing it again with one of my smaller mens shirts to see what that looks like too. I hope you like them :)
Thursday, 22 November 2012
New polls and nail polish removal
Yesterday I finally, begrudgingly, removed my toe nail polish. It was really easy to do thankfully so if you are yet to do it for the first time then don't fret because it only takes a couple of minutes and then you will have lovely clean nails once again, ready for painting once more! Hehe. I need to get some base coat and top coat before I paint my nails again though I think because then I can keep them that way for around a month. Apparently if you don't put a base coat on your nails and you leave nail varnish on them for too long then the nails can start to go yellowy and I don't know about you but that sounds a little bit disgusting to me so I think I will be steering clear from that as much as I can.
It was really simple to do though, thanks to some basic instructions from my Mum. All it took was two cotton balls, one for each foot, some nail polish remover and some rubbing. I also found that I think I could do it all with one cotton ball if I soaked it a little more thoroughly like I did with the second one but hey-ho. All you do is put the cotton ball in the opening of the bottle of the nail polish remover so that it covers it completely. Then tip the bottle very gently so that you can see the liquid going into the cotton ball, you will also feel it on your fingers pretty quickly. Once the cotton ball feels moist but not soggy you then remove it. Make sure you put the lid back on the bottle! You don't want to tip it over by accident and then have a horrible dissolving mess. Then all you have to do is press the soaked side of the cotton ball to your painted nail and rub gently. I find rubbing in little circles worked pretty well for me, but feel free to rub however you like. Make sure you rub off all the nail polish though. Also I found that rubbing once or twice over each nail to start with before concentrating on each one individually was good because it made sure that they all had some pure nail polish remover on them. Don't forget to buff out the nail polish on the ends of your nails using a nail file or emery board too :)
I had a shower soon after I had done mine, I'm not sure if you are supposed to wash your nails right after but I would suggest that having a shower fairly shortly afterwards would be a good idea. Just to keep yourself clean if anything hehe :) Don't shower too much though or you'll just end up with sore skin and rashes! Now my nails are clean though they look really weird to me. I am so tempted to put more nail polish on but I will wait. Next time I think I am going to do my finger nails too :)
Now for my other news! I have done a new pole page on my other blog. There are some questions of a kinky/sexual nature on there so if you find that sort of thing offensive or distasteful then keep clear. Otherwise please fill out it and just answer everything openly and honestly :) There are only 12 questions on it shouldn't take you very long but the answers will be really helpful to me :) I'm going to setup a questionnaire to ask on here as well which will be much more focused on finding out more information about all sorts of things transvestite related in regards to peoples habits, experiences .etc
It was really simple to do though, thanks to some basic instructions from my Mum. All it took was two cotton balls, one for each foot, some nail polish remover and some rubbing. I also found that I think I could do it all with one cotton ball if I soaked it a little more thoroughly like I did with the second one but hey-ho. All you do is put the cotton ball in the opening of the bottle of the nail polish remover so that it covers it completely. Then tip the bottle very gently so that you can see the liquid going into the cotton ball, you will also feel it on your fingers pretty quickly. Once the cotton ball feels moist but not soggy you then remove it. Make sure you put the lid back on the bottle! You don't want to tip it over by accident and then have a horrible dissolving mess. Then all you have to do is press the soaked side of the cotton ball to your painted nail and rub gently. I find rubbing in little circles worked pretty well for me, but feel free to rub however you like. Make sure you rub off all the nail polish though. Also I found that rubbing once or twice over each nail to start with before concentrating on each one individually was good because it made sure that they all had some pure nail polish remover on them. Don't forget to buff out the nail polish on the ends of your nails using a nail file or emery board too :)
I had a shower soon after I had done mine, I'm not sure if you are supposed to wash your nails right after but I would suggest that having a shower fairly shortly afterwards would be a good idea. Just to keep yourself clean if anything hehe :) Don't shower too much though or you'll just end up with sore skin and rashes! Now my nails are clean though they look really weird to me. I am so tempted to put more nail polish on but I will wait. Next time I think I am going to do my finger nails too :)
Now for my other news! I have done a new pole page on my other blog. There are some questions of a kinky/sexual nature on there so if you find that sort of thing offensive or distasteful then keep clear. Otherwise please fill out it and just answer everything openly and honestly :) There are only 12 questions on it shouldn't take you very long but the answers will be really helpful to me :) I'm going to setup a questionnaire to ask on here as well which will be much more focused on finding out more information about all sorts of things transvestite related in regards to peoples habits, experiences .etc
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Outfit of the Weeeeeek!
Outfit of the week is back today with the stunning Scarlett Johansson in a purple dress. She seems to be a favourite among my friends and I have to say she is very gorgeous, although if we have to decide based on looks I do prefer a darker skin tone. But that's just me hehe :) She's stunning and has a wonderful smile and wears this dress really well. I have no idea where she got it from or how much it cost, only that there is no way I'm getting my hands on one any time soon unfortunately hehe. If you happen to have this dress and don't want it, due to some sort of madness or emotional reason, then please get in touch because I will happily take it off your hands for the very reasonable price of free! Hehehe! So here she is in all her glory, Scarlett Johansson in a purple dress.
Monday, 19 November 2012
Getting back in the swing!
The lovely regulars may have noticed the new Gallery and Competitions pages that have gone up, they have taken a little work to get right but I am happy with them now I think. They look good on my screen anyway. I will be updating them as I go and I am hoping to come up with some more competitions and prizes soon for everyone to enter.
I want to say a very big thank you to Stella and the people at as they have really cheered me up over the past few days and due to this have breathed a whole new life back into these blogs. I really hope to spend a lot of time on them and on becoming a better transvestite, well person in general. If you haven't been on there then go because you never know it may just take your fancy. To all the people on there who have viewed my profile and come here then welcome, I hope you like this and I'm on the chat a fair bit so if you want to talk to me then pop on and say hello. Lets see what the next few days bring and hope for the best!
I want to say a very big thank you to Stella and the people at as they have really cheered me up over the past few days and due to this have breathed a whole new life back into these blogs. I really hope to spend a lot of time on them and on becoming a better transvestite, well person in general. If you haven't been on there then go because you never know it may just take your fancy. To all the people on there who have viewed my profile and come here then welcome, I hope you like this and I'm on the chat a fair bit so if you want to talk to me then pop on and say hello. Lets see what the next few days bring and hope for the best!
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Back to normal soon hopefully
I'm really sorry again for not posting as regularly as I feel I should be but I will be again soon. Some of the posts may be shorter than before but at least there will be new and relevant content going on here for you all to enjoy. It's just that I have been feeling pretty lonely as a transvestite recently and quite desperate for a partner. Yet I lack the confidence to go out there and find someone to be with so it's sort of a Catch 22 situation. I'm working on my confidence gradually and I desperately hope to be able to start generating some really good stuff on here. If you're reading this and have anything to say then please leave a comment or message me or something. Doesn't really matter who you are or the content of the message, it would just be nice to know that somebody is actually reading this and that I'm not as lonely as I feel. I think the sort of self imposed chastity isn't really helping either but hey-ho I'm sure I can cope.
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
Sorry for the lack of posts and consistency
I'm really sorry for the lack of posts and consistency this past week but I've just had a bad couple of days inside my brain tank. Still not in a very happy place. Mainly doubting myself and annoyed with myself and not writing these posts isn't helping but also I fear that what I would write wouldn't be worth reading really. Feel like I'm in the middle of a sad brain fog, but I'll be fine soon and posting will resume. I'm really sorry though and hope that you are all having fun and enjoying yourselves :)
Monday, 5 November 2012
Favourite Style of Underwear?
One item of women's clothing I really love has to be the panties. So soft and gentle on your delicates in comparison to my male underwear that I am starting to really wish that I only wore women's underpants. What's hard though is deciding on a favourite style. I can easily say which ones I don't like, those are the big high waisted, covered in frills or ruffles, which just look like they would be awkward to wear anything over. I like panties more dainty and cute but it is all just a matter of preference really. Some cuts are really nice because they make my butt look pert, sexy and girly which is just wonderful I think. I'm a big fan of thongs and g-strings but they don't exactly offer up much protection for my manly bits and having your manhood poking out the side is one of the least sexy things really, not to mention the discomfort that can happen from it. Of course you have to make sure you get the right size too otherwise you my find you can't get them up your thighs or they just keep flying back down them hehe, although some people may see that as a bonus :P
I am yet to try on all the different styles of women's underwear but would really love to so that I can have a more informed opinion on what my favourite style is and which are the most comfortable to wear. If you have a favourite style of panty then please let me know via e-mail at or leave a comment below. Here is a guide to the various styles, currently my favourites are the boy-short/ lace bikini style and the thong. Let me know what you think :)
I am yet to try on all the different styles of women's underwear but would really love to so that I can have a more informed opinion on what my favourite style is and which are the most comfortable to wear. If you have a favourite style of panty then please let me know via e-mail at or leave a comment below. Here is a guide to the various styles, currently my favourites are the boy-short/ lace bikini style and the thong. Let me know what you think :)
Sunday, 4 November 2012
Better than waterboobs!
After a quick search on Google it is evident that breast forms are available in lots of different varieties and prices. What I also find a little funny is that the bigger the boobs the more they cost, which makes sense and I think is very useful. Stops you from buying too big just for fun as you have to think is it worth the extra money. You can even get them on Amazon, so when I pick a favourite they are going on my wishlist for sure! Also you may find rather rapidly that you can also get these things which are called chicken fillets or breast enhancers. What they seem to be are essentially smaller breast forms that are just used to enhance boobs that you already have. A wonderful transsexual friend of mine uses them and they look really good on her. You don't need a lot of boob to use them and they are quite a bit cheaper than breast forms, so you could look at them as a sort of starter breast form if you like and give them a go before investing more money on a proper breast form. Now the breast forms themselves seem to come in 2 styles I think, just loose or attached to a bra type mechanism. You can get some which are bras with filled cups, others you can get with see through straps that go around you. Too see them on Amazon go here. I much prefer the loose ones I think because I would want to be able to wear my own bra comfortable over the top without too many straps going on. If you are looking for more deals though I would suggest Ebay as they sell a lot on there, just be careful though as some of them may be of a much lower quality than ones bought from proper online stores.
If you are really looking to invest in your breasts then you're obviously going to need to shop around. I'd suggest having a look at thebreastformsstore. Also check out hourglassfigure although they are more expensive they do have some nice things on there, so if you have quite a bit of money to spend then you could try there. Although I think you could probably get the same stuff elsewhere for cheaper, I could be wrong. But you should definitely check out Translife if you are a transvestite or transsexual or you know one because they have lots of good things on there and in sizes that will actually fit too!
If you are really looking to invest in your breasts then you're obviously going to need to shop around. I'd suggest having a look at thebreastformsstore. Also check out hourglassfigure although they are more expensive they do have some nice things on there, so if you have quite a bit of money to spend then you could try there. Although I think you could probably get the same stuff elsewhere for cheaper, I could be wrong. But you should definitely check out Translife if you are a transvestite or transsexual or you know one because they have lots of good things on there and in sizes that will actually fit too!
Saturday, 3 November 2012
Damn you elusive internet!
I'm really really sorry everyone but my internet seems to be being very temperamental at the moment. It must be something to do with the lines in the area where I live because my friend who lives close by has the same problem. I'm really hoping it gets sorted soon so that I can actually put some decent posts up on here. I'm just typing this as quick as I can in order to make sure that SOMETHING goes up on here. I didn't get to take pictures for a photoshoot because a friend dragged me outta the house and out to dinner far too early. Tomorrow I will do my best to get online and find some deals on breastforms and I think also chastity belts. But we shall have to see what happens. If not then I will do them Monday as we as the reviews. I hope you are all well and having lots of fun!
Thursday, 1 November 2012
Tip of the Week!
As promised in an earlier post here are my tips on making your own waterboobs. I have tried using socks as I am sure most of you wonderful transvestites out there have done too but then I wanted to progress to something a little more weighty and realistic. Waterboobs are still quite a long way from being realistic but I would certainly say they are more so than socks hehe. But don't worry if you are thinking your boobysocks are now going to go to waste because I use some with my waterboobs! All you need to make your own waterboobs are:
Also here is a link to a transvestite forum with lots more information on making your own boobs. They have some really useful stuff on there so be sure to check it out. Just to clarify as well, if I had the money I would buy my own breast forms because according to most they seem to be very realistic and they aren't too expensive. So if you have money and want to invest more thoroughly into being a transvestite I recommend checking out ebay and online shops to find some you like. I may do that as my deal of the week this weekend actually :)
- 4 balloons, the stronger the better
- A tap or bottle of water (tap is easier, or even the end of the shower)
- A towel
- 2 socks, preferably soft and opaque, in a fleshy colour would be ideal but any will be fine, mine are black. If you can get elasticated ones they are good for staying on the balloon. Also if you are using small socks then you may need 2 for each balloon.
- Place one balloon inside another. I used a red balloon inserted inside a pink balloon in an attempt to make a nice colour, it sort of worked but it doesn't really matter. Do this again with the other two balloons so that you end up with 2 double balloons essentially. 1 set for each boob :) This will add some strength to the boobs and help stop them from bursting.
- Place the opening of the inner balloon around the tap and gradually fill it with water. Try to get it to just over your ideal size as tying the knot can be tricky and you may find you lose some water. Don't worry too much if you make them too big or too small because I doubt you have bought a 4 pack of balloons, you can always make varying sizes and then you have different pairs to wear on different days. I recommend doing this inside the shower or bath because this whole procedure can end up with water flying everywhere hehe.
- Once you have them filled then its time to tie the knot. This can be fairly difficult for some people and I certainly had a little trouble with it. I think the trick is to pinch near the bottom of the tubey opening and give yourself as much balloon as you can to tie the knot with. Be sure to try and eliminate air bubbles within your new boob though before you tie the not, they are pretty obvious so don't worry too much. But you can always pinch really tight and turn upside down to see. You can either tie the knots on both the inner and outer balloon at the same time or seperately, that's your choice really. I did mine together. Just make sure the knot is tied securely!
- Now that you have your boob sealed up tightly you need to use your towel to dry it off. Make sure its nice and dry and then leave it on the towel while you go back through steps 2 and 3 for boob number 2.
- Once they are both dry and on your towel its time to sock them up. Either take you boobs to the socks or socks to the boobs. The reason I keep them out of the bathroom is to stop them getting accidentally wet. You don't want soggy boobs. Now slip the sock on over the balloon, twist it and fold it back. Make sure the sock is snuggly on the balloon. If you are using small socks then you may wish to use two socks on each balloon.
Also here is a link to a transvestite forum with lots more information on making your own boobs. They have some really useful stuff on there so be sure to check it out. Just to clarify as well, if I had the money I would buy my own breast forms because according to most they seem to be very realistic and they aren't too expensive. So if you have money and want to invest more thoroughly into being a transvestite I recommend checking out ebay and online shops to find some you like. I may do that as my deal of the week this weekend actually :)
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Hypnowednesday shall have to wait again.
I'm really sorry but I can't put a new hypnoaudio today as I'm just really not happy with it. It sounds ok but I really want it to sound good so I shall be rerecording it as soon as I can and then posting it next week for everyone to listen to. It will just be an induction and maybe a deepener if I get enough time, but it will hopefully get you used to listening to my voice and going into trance so then the later files I create will work really well a lot more quickly. I'm not actually entirely sure how I'm going to put them on here but I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
I have also extended all the polls until December 1st. This is purely because I haven't done enough advertising and spreading the word of my blog so that more people can read it, which also means only a few of you have voted. If you're reading this and haven't voted then I urge you to do so because every vote counts and it's really helpful and encouraging to see. Everyone who has voted already thank you very much and your votes should hopefully still be counted. There was a moment last week where google seemed to reset the vote but then this week it seems to have set it back. So who knows what could happen hehe! I'm really hoping to get a nice following on here, not for fame or popularity as neither really interest me, but instead so that I know that what I am doing is making a difference to someone. The more people I can help out with these blogs the better. Even if its just to help you have a wank or lighten your mood a little bit that's fine with me, I just want to enrich your lives somehow and if you can help me enrich the lives of others that would be greatly appreciated :) So please spread the word that there's a new transvestite in town called Lola who's looking for friends and much more :)
I have also extended all the polls until December 1st. This is purely because I haven't done enough advertising and spreading the word of my blog so that more people can read it, which also means only a few of you have voted. If you're reading this and haven't voted then I urge you to do so because every vote counts and it's really helpful and encouraging to see. Everyone who has voted already thank you very much and your votes should hopefully still be counted. There was a moment last week where google seemed to reset the vote but then this week it seems to have set it back. So who knows what could happen hehe! I'm really hoping to get a nice following on here, not for fame or popularity as neither really interest me, but instead so that I know that what I am doing is making a difference to someone. The more people I can help out with these blogs the better. Even if its just to help you have a wank or lighten your mood a little bit that's fine with me, I just want to enrich your lives somehow and if you can help me enrich the lives of others that would be greatly appreciated :) So please spread the word that there's a new transvestite in town called Lola who's looking for friends and much more :)
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
Outfit of the weeeeek
Monday, 29 October 2012
Revamp due to dynamic poo!
The dynamic theme on blogger was quite pretty looking and fancy but it turns out that it just wasn't meant to be. The logo didn't work and it kept screwing up with the polls and the side bar bits so I have gone back to the original style with a nice theme. Over time I am going to customise it all, hopefully with your help on logo's, backdrops, stamps .etc I want to make these blogs as delightful as possible and really nice to see. My own personal preferences will always shine through I'm sure but any input is welcome so that I know if I'm doing something that's actually really annoying .etc hehe. Also I'm not 100% the colours on my screen are right as my monitor has been playing up a lil bit recently and flashing green but I think its sorted now. Let me know if the colours look weird though, they should just be nice calm purples. Lets hope this new theme works nicely and allows us to have some fun with it :)
Review Monday!
Every Monday from now on is going to be my review day where I will write a review on something on both this blog and the kinky one. Some of the reviews may be for general things like dresses, make up or styles of shoes. But some Mondays, like today, will be reviews of a specific item. My first big proper purchase is up for review today, which was my purple dress. I originally bought it because someone who was having a go at being my Master, who turned out to be not particularly good at it but hey-ho, said that I should get one. This is actually the only dress I have which I have bought myself, although a female friend was there with me so in some peoples eyes that may be considered cheating. I don't really have the confidence to go shopping for myself yet but then I don't have the money either so it doesn't matter too much hehe. I really like this dress, it's tight and sexy with little ruffles and is short enough to be sexy without looking entirely slutty. Plus I really like the colour, I think I am starting to think in a slightly more feminine way about things and whether that's why purple is becoming a more appealing colour to me or not I don't know. I wouldn't dare to say I think like a woman at all, that's not what I mean. I suppose thinking in a less masculine way would be better. But here are some pictures of it and please let me know what you think.

It's made by Bay and the quality is really nice. The material is fairly soft but pretty sturdy and it feels like a quality garment. Also when I wear a bra underneath it and put my waterboobs inside (I'll try to link to a guide and write my own on how to make them on Thursday) it's nice and tight and presses them up against my body. After a few minutes once the boobs have warmed up a bit they begin to feel like part of my body and it starts to feel really nice. Another great thing about this dress is that it goes with all sorts of accessories and tights .etc I think in general purple is a good colour for matching with others because it goes with pinks, blues, blacks and whites. If your feeling a lil more ambitious it looks really good with bare legs and if you're feeling just down right kinky and naughty then it works very well just by itself. I can imagine some heels wouldn't hurt the look either. Unfortunately I don't think this dress is on sale any more as I bought it on sale over a year ago, but you may get lucky and find one somewhere. It comes with a little broach but I have taken that off as I wasn't really a fan of it when I first got it but I may put it back on now.
It's made by Bay and the quality is really nice. The material is fairly soft but pretty sturdy and it feels like a quality garment. Also when I wear a bra underneath it and put my waterboobs inside (I'll try to link to a guide and write my own on how to make them on Thursday) it's nice and tight and presses them up against my body. After a few minutes once the boobs have warmed up a bit they begin to feel like part of my body and it starts to feel really nice. Another great thing about this dress is that it goes with all sorts of accessories and tights .etc I think in general purple is a good colour for matching with others because it goes with pinks, blues, blacks and whites. If your feeling a lil more ambitious it looks really good with bare legs and if you're feeling just down right kinky and naughty then it works very well just by itself. I can imagine some heels wouldn't hurt the look either. Unfortunately I don't think this dress is on sale any more as I bought it on sale over a year ago, but you may get lucky and find one somewhere. It comes with a little broach but I have taken that off as I wasn't really a fan of it when I first got it but I may put it back on now.
Sunday, 28 October 2012
Some more shopping for sunday!
More bargains and sales that you may want to make the most of. Also I'm going to see who does my favourite of a certain style of item. This week it will be a lovely black or blue jumper and I will be including the price into my consideration so it won't be a £1,000 jumper unless its the best one ever made. But here are some general sales and bargains going on first.
1. Matalan: Not the highest quality stuff in my opinion but they do some good things at affordable prices. Including a 3 for £6 on panties and 3 for 2 jewellery. Also if your feet are small enough then check out the shoes too.
2. Tesco: I know, not the height of fashion or a brand name .etc But they do some clothes for very reasonable prices. In fact so reasonable that they may actually be tempting me to part with some of my moneys just so I can have a draw full of panties hehe. They also have a 3 for £6 but disguised as a 3 for 2, just all the pairs of panties are £3. But they also have packs of 4 for £2.50 and £3. My favourites though are these animal print thongs. Check them all out here in the various styles and prices. Also they have some good cheap tights and pantyhose. Check out their sale too and see if there is anything you like :)
3. Republic: They seem to have some brand names on here for fairly cheap but I am still new to this and I'm not 100% these are bargains at all. I don't really think so, but what I have found is that you tend to find the real bargains outside of the sales, that are just normally fairly cheap anyway. They have some offers and a sale on though with all sorts of things on it which aren't really my style but may be yours so check it out and see if you like it :)
I'm really sorry that I had to rush again but I keep getting pressed for time at the moment. Next week I will try to find at least another 3 retailers with good sales and good prices on them. Then gradually over time I will hopefully get to order from the various ones I find and be able to do a top 10 for online retailers. If you have any suggestions I would be thrilled to hear from you though, I'm sure there are many wonderful transvestites, women and just incredibly generous boyfriends who know more about this than I do so please get in touch and I will be sure to make the most of your suggestions :)
Oh also the jumpers! How could I forget. I have found 2 so far that I really like. This lovely looking one in H&M and another in Matalan. I think I prefer the H&M one, they both look nice though and more importantly like they would keep you warm! As a jumper should!
1. Matalan: Not the highest quality stuff in my opinion but they do some good things at affordable prices. Including a 3 for £6 on panties and 3 for 2 jewellery. Also if your feet are small enough then check out the shoes too.
2. Tesco: I know, not the height of fashion or a brand name .etc But they do some clothes for very reasonable prices. In fact so reasonable that they may actually be tempting me to part with some of my moneys just so I can have a draw full of panties hehe. They also have a 3 for £6 but disguised as a 3 for 2, just all the pairs of panties are £3. But they also have packs of 4 for £2.50 and £3. My favourites though are these animal print thongs. Check them all out here in the various styles and prices. Also they have some good cheap tights and pantyhose. Check out their sale too and see if there is anything you like :)
3. Republic: They seem to have some brand names on here for fairly cheap but I am still new to this and I'm not 100% these are bargains at all. I don't really think so, but what I have found is that you tend to find the real bargains outside of the sales, that are just normally fairly cheap anyway. They have some offers and a sale on though with all sorts of things on it which aren't really my style but may be yours so check it out and see if you like it :)
I'm really sorry that I had to rush again but I keep getting pressed for time at the moment. Next week I will try to find at least another 3 retailers with good sales and good prices on them. Then gradually over time I will hopefully get to order from the various ones I find and be able to do a top 10 for online retailers. If you have any suggestions I would be thrilled to hear from you though, I'm sure there are many wonderful transvestites, women and just incredibly generous boyfriends who know more about this than I do so please get in touch and I will be sure to make the most of your suggestions :)
Oh also the jumpers! How could I forget. I have found 2 so far that I really like. This lovely looking one in H&M and another in Matalan. I think I prefer the H&M one, they both look nice though and more importantly like they would keep you warm! As a jumper should!
Saturday, 27 October 2012
Shopping Saturday and Sunday!
Over the weekend I will find the best deals I can for the week and post them up on both blogs for you all to see. Unfortunately I have had little time to do much shopping today but tomorrow will hopefully be packed with internet shopping as I hunt down some deals that you may very well want to make the most of. What I have found today though is that H&M are doing a pretty good sale at the moment with a few things that are nice but going quite cheap. Unfortunately you seem to need to be at one of the extremes, either skinny or fairly large. Also having small feet really helps with being a transvestite, unfortunately I'm not blessed with them hehe as mine are fairly in proportion with my body and I'm 6ft my feet are a 9.5-10. Most womens shoes only go up to an 8. If you are an 8 then you are lucky! Go and buy all the shoes you can hehe! Here are some links to some H&M products I like and tomorrow there will be more links to more deals for you to make the most hopefully. Unfortunately I don't have the money to make the most of them myself this weekend, but I'm saving up so maybe soon I will treat myself to a new skirt, dress or more than likely some heels! : You need to be skinny for this one but I like the look of it actually, tis pretty in blue. : Nice short skirt available in a few colours and in black in all sizes! I think that's a bit of a bargain myself. : Yes they are skimpy but I really like skimpy sometimes, makes me feel sexy.
I hope you enjoy them and they help you out in some small way, also here is the link to the main sale: : You need to be skinny for this one but I like the look of it actually, tis pretty in blue. : Nice short skirt available in a few colours and in black in all sizes! I think that's a bit of a bargain myself. : Yes they are skimpy but I really like skimpy sometimes, makes me feel sexy.
I hope you enjoy them and they help you out in some small way, also here is the link to the main sale:
Friday, 26 October 2012
Logo madness!
Ok well I just made a pretty nice logo for this blog and have put it up but the dynamic theme is f***ing with me and not showing it. Not only that it has changed the colour scheme to a dull black/grey. What a load of w*nk! Now I'm hoping its going to do what it did before and just have this lil hissy fit for a few hours at most and then when I look at it tomorrow it will be all nice and pink, dynamic and have my logo on it. Otherwise I'm changing back to the old style and having my own logo:
Now for the more exciting news! I'm holding 4 new competitions! One is for my logo and the other for a copyright stamp that will go on all of my pictures, for each blog. The logos apparently need to be 300 pixels wide according to blogger but the stamps can be whatever ratio you think works. You can use any of the pictures of me on here to create them and any copyright free pictures you can find on the internet. Also any you can draw or own the rights to obviously!
Please submit them to
I would love to see what you can do and I will be posting my favourite submissions a week before the end of the competition. By winning you will have your logo up on the corresponding blog and/or your stamp on all of my pictures that go on that blog, including backdating to the ones already on and you will be credited publicly with it's creation. You will also, if you so desire, get a free exlusive picture of me holding your logo/stamp or even wearing it if I can get it printed on a t-shirt or other garment. If you win 2 of the competitions I will give you 3 exclusive pictures instead, win 3 and you get 5 and win all 4 to own 7 exclusive pictures of me :) Good pictures too I promise! The closing date is Saturday December 1st and I will be posting the best submissions on the 24th of November. Good luck!
Now for the more exciting news! I'm holding 4 new competitions! One is for my logo and the other for a copyright stamp that will go on all of my pictures, for each blog. The logos apparently need to be 300 pixels wide according to blogger but the stamps can be whatever ratio you think works. You can use any of the pictures of me on here to create them and any copyright free pictures you can find on the internet. Also any you can draw or own the rights to obviously!
Please submit them to
I would love to see what you can do and I will be posting my favourite submissions a week before the end of the competition. By winning you will have your logo up on the corresponding blog and/or your stamp on all of my pictures that go on that blog, including backdating to the ones already on and you will be credited publicly with it's creation. You will also, if you so desire, get a free exlusive picture of me holding your logo/stamp or even wearing it if I can get it printed on a t-shirt or other garment. If you win 2 of the competitions I will give you 3 exclusive pictures instead, win 3 and you get 5 and win all 4 to own 7 exclusive pictures of me :) Good pictures too I promise! The closing date is Saturday December 1st and I will be posting the best submissions on the 24th of November. Good luck!
Photoshoot Friday!

I was trying to pull poses from the flickr link I posted a little while ago. Only trouble was that I didn't have the right outfits or the confidence to show my face. Oh or a photographer to tell me that I looked silly and to move my leg a bit or adjust my dress hehe!. I will get there eventually I hope, with a lil help.
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Tip Thursday!
From now on Thursday is going to be "Tip Day" where I will post either a tip that I have found to be helpful or some tips of my own when I get more experienced with what I am doing. I hope they are helpful and if you think they are wrong of you have better tips or just further ones then please message me or comment. Your input is always useful and very much appreciated! Todays tip is in regard to my new found fun of toe nail painting! This is what I used to help me do mine, unfortunately I couldn't do all the steps due to not having all the right equipment and it is a really logical process but this does have some handy tips on it. For example I didn't know that you were supposed to warm up the nail polish first. Or to start in the centre and work outwards. But now I do!
What do you think? I think I did pretty well for my first time :) I love looking at them. If you are in the early stages of transvestisism like me and haven't done this I urge you to do so. It's wonderful to look down and see them wiggling up at me hehehe! :)
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
Delayed today but yay for toe nails!
I'm sorry dear readers but todays post hasn't gone as planned due to time constraints but Wednesdays from now on are going to be hypnotic wednesdays where I shall be posting mainly on the kinky side of life but also I will try to make some much cleaner ones to help people transitioning or just wanting to go into trance. I am really new to hypnosis still but with your feedback and me releasing a file each week, hopefully, then I think we can have ourselves some wonderful new hypnotic content in a very short time :) On the plus side I did manage to paint my toe nails for the first time ever today and they look lovely! All purpley. Sure I didn't do the best job but I think I did pretty well for my first time. I think I will add a third coat tomorrow and maybe some glitter :) All of this is thanks to my Mum actually who gave me the nail polish on Sunday saying that I was much more likely to use it. I love my Mum!
Also tomorrow I will take pictures for my new logo for both websites. If you believe you can make better then please do so and e-mail me either a copy of it or info that you need for it .etc I would love to see what you wonderful people can create. I would also really like a logo that I can use to copyright my photos by having it in the corner but I'm unsure what to go with. So please if you have any ideas then submit them to one of my e-mail addresses on the about me page and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Whoever designs the best one which I choose to use will be credited of course and if there are several that I can't pick between then I may even turn it into an interactive competition on here! :) Have fun everyone and I hope you like the new stuffs.
Also tomorrow I will take pictures for my new logo for both websites. If you believe you can make better then please do so and e-mail me either a copy of it or info that you need for it .etc I would love to see what you wonderful people can create. I would also really like a logo that I can use to copyright my photos by having it in the corner but I'm unsure what to go with. So please if you have any ideas then submit them to one of my e-mail addresses on the about me page and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Whoever designs the best one which I choose to use will be credited of course and if there are several that I can't pick between then I may even turn it into an interactive competition on here! :) Have fun everyone and I hope you like the new stuffs.
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
New Schedule!
Sorry for taking so long to write another post but I've actually been working out a new schedule so that I can keep doing things for both blogs continuously by having regular articles. Rather than wait for Monday to come around again though I'm just going to kick it off today. So from now on every Tuesday I'm going to try and do an "Outfit Of The Week" post. This doesn't mean I'm going to be trawling through the news looking at fashion gossip trying to find the most fashionable piece of clothing to come out this week. I'm going to be just looking around the internet in general to see what catches my eye and then the clothes I like most that week will be the "Outfit Of The Week". Quite often they will probably be pictures of celebraties that I like wearing something cool as it really helps with searching. Other times I may go with a colour or seasonal theme, who knows but I hope you enjoy the new "Outfit Of The Week" idea. To kick it off I thought I would go with one of the most gorgeous women on the planet, Eva Mendes. I think she's just brilliant and has a wonderfully cheeky look in her eye which suggests she's probably pretty fun to be around.
To view the original and more information click here.
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
Apologies and polls!
Sorry for not posting again for a little while but I have been busy and annoyed with general things in life but I'm feeling a lot better now so I'm about to do another workout to keep my booty in shape :) The good news is that I have fixed the polls problem! Apparently getting rid of the profile "About Me" thing worked and now I can put polls on the right pop out menu and keep the wonderful dynamic theme, hooooray! I know things are going a little slow on here but hopefully they will pick up soon as I get more time to work on it. I have started up my kinky blog, I know this won't be for some of you but others this may be what you have been waiting for hehe. If you think it might interest you then please check it out at and tell me what you think :) There will be more polls on there in order to help give me your opinions on things and then hopefully I will be able to post the results as the go along. Have fun and fingers crossed there will be much more on the way!
Friday, 5 October 2012
Major Owwwwwy!
I did a workout on Monday with my friend which was quite different to my normal workout really but I still enjoyed it even though I didn't work on my bum. I have a thing about that, I'm sort of proud of it but also really want to work on it and just keep making it bigger, rounder and bouncier. I want to have the ultimate in sexy backsides hehe. The workout we did though mainly worked on stamina, arms, chest and abs. I don't work on my arms to make them muscley but I keep them toned, same with my chest really but I would like better abs and back muscles partly because they are useful but also because up to a point they are pretty sexy. When you go beyond that point though you start to look really weird hehe, in my opinion anyway. It was a nice fairly gentle workout I thought and at no point did I really feel like I had pushed too far or exceeded my limit at all. Which is why it is surprising that today, Friday, my abs STILL hurt. They hurt when I cough, sneeze or laugh and its driving me a little loopy, not that I wasn't already. But now I am going to work them into my workout routine properly I think to make sure it doesn't happen again and keep my trunk fit. Yup trunk.
I've been flicking through the photos to pick one to put up today and I have come to the conclusion that I really need to get a photographer I think hehe. Or maybe that's just my desire to share this with someone, who knows. Here's another flash vs no flash though to help inform your decision. Oh and I'm going to change the blog back to the other type in a moment so that the polls .etc actually work! So hopefully it will still look nice :) Here's some more of me in the red dress. Look they went either side of the picture! I have no idea how I did that, it just happened hehe!
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No flash! |
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Flash! |
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
The Flash vs The No Flash!
Today I managed to have some fun with the camera once more and endulge my ludicrous ego. It was a lot of fun and I really love wearing this dress but I don't think it's a flattering as I previously thought. But then I could just be being overly critical and self concious about this so who knows. I took all the pictures using this setting on the camera that takes a picture without flash first and then one with straight away after. It's really useful because you can see the difference. On the left we have the one without the flash and the right the one with. I like both of them for different reasons, so I thought what could be fun is to set up a poll and see what you, the wonderful readers, think is the best one :) So on the right hand side there should be a popout thing with a poll on it hopefully if all goes well hehe! I'm not used to Bloggers new dynamic theme and I might change it but I'm not sure yet. We shall have to see. I was hoping to have the text between the too pictures but I couldn't fiddle it to do so, if there are any html wizards out there then if you let me know how to do this then I will be incredibly grateful :) Have fun everyone and I hope you like the pics!
N.B. all did not go well.....I have the poll on there but it seems to be entirely invisible and I can't work out why. I've moved it about, changed the settings on it but it is still adamant that it shouldn't be seen. Grrrrrr! I think this may be the end of the dynamic theme and a big style change to the blog. So I shall have a look at some templates and see which ones take my fancy, then its super editing time!
N.B. all did not go well.....I have the poll on there but it seems to be entirely invisible and I can't work out why. I've moved it about, changed the settings on it but it is still adamant that it shouldn't be seen. Grrrrrr! I think this may be the end of the dynamic theme and a big style change to the blog. So I shall have a look at some templates and see which ones take my fancy, then its super editing time!
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With the Flash! |
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Without the Flash! |
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
Finally got to do some work on this thing!
Woooohoooo I finally managed to have a look at Google's policy and it seems fairly open to me actually for a company as big as Google. I'm still not 100% where the boundries are on what I can write so I guess I will just have to see when somebody complains and then I will know that I have gone too far. But I won't be pushing the boundries just for the sake of it. Plus I'm going to put the dirtier stuff on my kinkier blog anyways :P I'm unsure where to host that though, do I save up and get hosting for it so that I can make it completely my own and put whatever I like on there or do I use one of the automated bloggers available on the web. None of the ones that allow you to advertise while posting adult material seem to be anywhere near as good as Blogger though but I shall have to test them out I guess. I'll try creating some templates on each of them soon and then may be you wonderful readers could vote on which one you think is the best and I shall use that from then on :)
I have also looked up some poses using the wonderful google. I have yet to do any extensive research into the matter but I found a fun picture for SEMotion Studio with a whole load of poses that are available in one of the packs for it here. So I will be doing a fair few of those I think, as well as the oens found on this pretty useful Flickr group. They seem to have a lot of poses on there and the most useful thing is that they are real people and a lot of them are body shots. Which is really helpful as I am not confident enough to do face shots yet, especially as I haven't managed to get my mits on any make up yet! Unfortunately I also don't have any time today to try out the poses and take the pics so I will have to do those tomorrow if I can.
I made these booty shorts at little while ago though out of some old jeans. I'm not 100% happy with them but I think I did a pretty good job for my first time modifying some clothing. I would really like to get into it I think, making my own clothes. See if I can come up with something fashionable hehe. Tell me what you think though. I'll do a new set with pics from the front too soon but they don't look quite as good. I'm guessing that its really because I'm not as proud of my front as I am my booty but who knows hehe. It's also nice to see the label poking out the back of the top, that's a wonderful lil error right there but I seem to remember it being a bit of a stubborn one and not wanting to be closer to me. Silly label! Anyways, I hope you enjoy it and there will be more on the way soon :)
I have also looked up some poses using the wonderful google. I have yet to do any extensive research into the matter but I found a fun picture for SEMotion Studio with a whole load of poses that are available in one of the packs for it here. So I will be doing a fair few of those I think, as well as the oens found on this pretty useful Flickr group. They seem to have a lot of poses on there and the most useful thing is that they are real people and a lot of them are body shots. Which is really helpful as I am not confident enough to do face shots yet, especially as I haven't managed to get my mits on any make up yet! Unfortunately I also don't have any time today to try out the poses and take the pics so I will have to do those tomorrow if I can.
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Home made booty shorts |
I made these booty shorts at little while ago though out of some old jeans. I'm not 100% happy with them but I think I did a pretty good job for my first time modifying some clothing. I would really like to get into it I think, making my own clothes. See if I can come up with something fashionable hehe. Tell me what you think though. I'll do a new set with pics from the front too soon but they don't look quite as good. I'm guessing that its really because I'm not as proud of my front as I am my booty but who knows hehe. It's also nice to see the label poking out the back of the top, that's a wonderful lil error right there but I seem to remember it being a bit of a stubborn one and not wanting to be closer to me. Silly label! Anyways, I hope you enjoy it and there will be more on the way soon :)
Monday, 1 October 2012
Hectic Few Days!
Sorry my lovely readers but I have had a hectic few days due to friends birthday party and I haven't had the time to really generate some decent content for you to read. Tomorrow I should finally get sometime to look at googles policy and find some inspiration for poses for Wednesdays pictures. I hope you are all having a wonderful time and to hear from you soon!
Thursday, 27 September 2012
The Arrival of the Amazons, starring Moods and KY!
Yay! Thank you Amazon and their various associates! |
Then below them we have the wonders of KY lubricating jelly. Again I got this because it was cheap and next time I will definitely get something different, I really want to try out all sorts of lubes so then I can work out which one I like best and I'll make sure to keep you lovely readers informed. Also if you have an opinion on lubes then let me know as I'm still new to this incredibly slippery game :P Unfortunately at the moment price plays a big role in the choices I can make, but hopefully in the future that will be less of a restriction.
Oh also in other news my vitamins came today! Which is great and they have been decanted into air tight pots for safe keeping. Taking them will take a little getting used to but I really hope they will start to help me feel a little better and stop being so creaky! hehe! We shall just have to wait and see. Oh I also got a chance to take a load of new pictures, only a few which I actually like though but they came out better thanks to the joys of the tripod! I found it at my friends and snuck it home. Woooohoooo! So there should *fingers crossed* be plenty of new photos coming up soon, although I'm finding the posing difficult. Any suggestions for poses or tips on posing would be very much appreciated! I'll also look into it some time next week I think, maybe do a posing post :P
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Oh look it's my butt again!
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My bum again! |
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
Gotta love amazon!
Yesterday I finally bit the bullet and ordered a few things from the wonderful overlord that is Amazon. On the cleaner side of life I bought some vitamins to help keep my skin all healthy and make me feel a little better. I'm currently having problems with my back, have done for about 2 years now actually, but I try not think about it as the doctor hasn't managed to find anything, woohooo go doctor! Anyways I got some vitamins for that and also got myself some Zinc which will hopefully help boost up my immune system in all sorts of ways, but I have also found out that it apparently increases the volume of sperm that is produced! So being a bit of kinkster this is a nice lil bonus for me hehehe. Further more, while being a kinkster, I also bought a pack of 144 ribbed condoms for extraaaaa pleasure at a great price and some lubricant. I'm hoping that they arrive soon because I'm all out of lubricant and I'm getting a lil hungry for some action after my last session with one of my toys. God this post is so hard to keep clean! Hehehe! But I'm not sure how dirty I can be, I'll read up on Googles policy tomorrow hopefully, although I'm sure you can guess what I'm talking about anyways ;) I'm not sure I can constantly talk in innuendos hehe! I'm sorry but no picture today, I didn't get time to take a decent one and I'm all out of ones that I think are worthy of going up on here. Tomorrow though I will do my best to take as many pictures as I can so that there are ones available for future posts. Have fun!
Monday, 24 September 2012
Workout routine
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My bum! |
Sunday, 23 September 2012
The New Beginning
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First photo of me |
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